Prenatal Yoga With Lara Dutta (Movie, DVD)
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Prenatal Yoga With Lara Dutta (DVD)
Format DVD Category Health & Fitness Subtitles English Rating U/A Language Hindi Balance is the essence of living a wholesome life. Yoga is an ancient discipline that teaches one to bring about a well-maintained equilibrium in their daily living. When a woman is pregnant she is subject to a lot of stress and flooding emotions that can tamper with the healthy growth of the yet-to-be-born child, hence, yoga is the ideal way to elicit the peace which is crucial during the time of gestation. Starring Lara Dutta, Prenatal Yoga with Lara Dutta is a health DVD that displays many exercises and postures which when practised will evoke a harmony between the mind and the body and rejuvenate the mother and prepare her for the labour and delivery process.
This Latest Hindi Movie DVD & Blu-Ray collection has been tagged as lara dutta, bollywood celebrity, ramdev learn, yoga dvd, health & fitness dvd. Please Note: All products sold online on Desiclik.com are brand new. Suggested & Popular Searches...
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