Is this product "UNPOLISHED/HULLED"?

Do you own one of 'Just Organik Organic Barnyard Millet 2 lbs '? Can you help if you know the answer?
Lauralee Larsen thank you for contacting us.

Barnyard millet is little different, it has two layers, The first and the outer layer is the husk. It has to be completely removed as otherwise the millet is not consumable. Next layer is the bran. The bran is removed through the dehusking process. Hence we have to remove the bran also. This is done through a process which is not polishing but similar to dehusking. We do not do any polishing for any of millet unless asked for. Since the millet is from Uttrakhand the looks are also different.
We can not keep the bran for two reasons :

1- Presence of bran may result in sprouting and that is not allowed by USFDA.
2- The bran is bitter in taste as the source is from Uttrakhand. And hence many people find it un consumable with bran.

Hope this answer helps, and please reply back in case of any further questions.

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Answered by Indus Valley Organic on Mar 29, 2022
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